Losing It

My mad, crazy journey to health and beyond

Life sucks and then you die

I really didn’t feel like blogging today. I really didn’t feel like doing much of anything today, other than saying ‘fuck this shit’ and climbing back under the covers. Literally the only reason why I got up, took my weigh-in pic and went to gym was because a) my trainer was waiting for me, and b) some very kind people have told me that they look forward to Tuesdays, because they love seeing my weekly weigh-in and reading my blog. So this one’s for you:



Logically I know that it is impossible for me to have gained 2.1kg in a week. I didn’t cheat on my eating plan once, I trained 6 days out of 7, and I tried to get a bit of extra sleep too. I know that apparent “weight gain” is a result of many things – water retention, inflammation, natural body fluctuations, hormones, yadda yadda. I know these things. But can I please just be human for one damn second, and say that it sucks giant donkey balls to do everything right and end up “gaining” 2.1kg in 7 days??


I realise I’m being slightly overdramatic, and that in the grand scheme of things, this is nothing. And I’m far enough along in my journey for this not to affect how I eat, train or live over the coming week. I’ve been to gym, I’ve had my healthy breakfast, all is right with the world. I am in no danger of eating or drinking my way through this. That way madness lies.

I’m a woman, so obviously I stepped on the scale 5 or 6 times to make ABSOLUTELY SURE that this was its last word on the subject, and sadly there was no budging it. Somewhere around the 3rd or 4th step onto the scale, the little voice in my head piped up. “You don’t get to be depressed about this. You have to be inspiring instead!”. I understand this. But please could you give me about 5 minutes to feel like crap? I’ll get back to being inspiring in just a sec.


Frankie say relax


Weekends. People on health journeys are always on about them. Too much cake, not enough salad, too much couch, not enough gym. I don’t have this problem. Mainly because I have no idea what a weekend is. When you work for yourself, the concept of two consecutive days off ceases to exist. Instead, weekends are merely days with more traffic than usual. Which is, quite frankly, really irritating. Can you all just please fuck off and go home so I can get my errands done in a jiff and go back to work??? Ta.

While it would be heaven on earth to actually have a day of free time on the odd occasion, the fact that I am busy as fuck all day every day on Saturdays and Sundays has actually been a blessing in terms of my health journey. I don’t have time to be bored and mmm let’s see what’s in the fridge. I don’t have time to laze around on the couch and mmm what can I eat. And I don’t have time to mooch around the mall and mmm let’s see what the new Burger King special tastes like. So while working on the weekends is a gigantic pain in the ass, it’s actually helped me develop a smaller ass. Believe it or not.

Working all weekend every weekend does take its toll though, which is why lately I’ve been making a concerted effort to enjoy more free time and less WORK WORK WORK YOU LAZY BITCH. And wouldn’t you know it, I’ve actually been having a lot more fun! Who would have thought.

I’ve been able to do things like:

Enjoy a fabulously luxurious stay at the divine Urban Chic Boutique Hotel on Long Street in town.


Go for cocktails (YES THEY ARE VIRGIN COCKTAILS. Before you ask. Because someone always does.)


Enjoy a sublime dinner at Pepenero, one of my favourite restaurants.


Go trail running (and almost die in the process).


Have a superiffic lunch after said trail run.


Take in some local flavour (and local coffee) and the Hout Bay market (followed by a little coffee time at home).


Enjoy time with friends, and with the gigantic seats at Ster Kinekor Prestige (go Avengers!).


Treat myself to some mouthwatering (and completely within my macros) meals.


And enjoy an absolutely decadent mani (Orly Faint Heart) and pedi (Orly It’s Up To Blue) at the always awesome Rouge Day Spa.


Just because it's winter doesn't mean your tootsies have to be dull.

Just because it’s winter doesn’t mean your tootsies have to be dull.

Much more relaxing than a pub. Much less Myprodol needed afterwards too.

Much more relaxing than a pub. Much less Myprodol needed afterwards too.

So yes, it’s been a wonderfully relaxing, pampering, fabulous past weekend. I’m starting to see what all you 9 to 5 people are on about with your two full days of free time. And I’m thinking of starting to make it a habit!

Hang on, hang on, there’s something I’m forgetting. I’m sure there was something else I did recently… Oh wait, I remember! Lose a fuckton of weight.


Seems like taking life a little easier has benefits beyond good food, friends and conversation. Because good golly Miss Molly, after this morning’s weigh-in, I only have 16.9kg to go until I reach my goal weight. WOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!

So I’m going to go off and have myself a little celebration – you all go off and have yourselves a fabulous Tuesday!

Kiss 1